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Past Life Therapy – Natal & Prenatal

Handling Anger & Emotions

Advanced Clinical Hypnoanalysis

Innovative Hypnotic Techniques
(Mottin & Johnson Institute)


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JoAnna Baltzo

is a noted psychic and lecturer with an enviable reputation on both a national and international level. Because of her psychic abilities, she has acted successfully as a consultant with various legal and law enforcement agencies in cases involving murders and missing persons. Her reputation has attracted many famous movies stars and she has acted as their personal consultant. JoAnna is proudly included in the Who’s Who of American Women and Who’s Who of the World. As a certified Hypnotherapist, she has continued her growth through advanced training in various specialized areas.


To schedule an appointment click here

JoAnna looks forward to hearing from you!

A Prayer For My Enemies (PDF)

Forgiveness Prayer (PDF)

Speak the Truth (PDF)

You shall love your neighbor as yourself (PDF)