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Even the best of psychics are about 92% accurate, which means they are 8% inaccurate. God says he will never take our self-will from us, so we have the ability to change our future. Also, Spirit states that we have an inaccurate perception of time on this plane (earth). Therefore, timing is often a difficult thing to predict.

Over the years JoAnna has learned that numbers in a certain category or place in a reading mean days or weeks. If the numbers occur in a different sequence or manner they typically mean months or years.


Remember, we all have the God given ability to change our lives.














JoAnna Baltzo

JoAnna, how do you get your psychic information?

It is like watching a huge TV screen, its all right there. All my life has been like being continuously tuned in to 21 radio stations, all from God. I don’t make it; I just give the information to my clients as the Spirits transmit the information through me. I learned long ago to not edit because what may not make sense to me will be clear to my client. I have the gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, channeling and medium ship. I have seen auras all of my life. The colors, intensity, dimensions and relationship to areas of the body all provide significant information.

What are the benefits of a reading with JoAnna?

Client’s questions are answered, fears relieved, doubts erased plus finding a sense of loving direction for the future. You are invited to bring your questions, which may be about those who have passed on, or are important in any aspect of your life. "JoAnna (and the Spirits who work through her) serve not to confuse." The clearer your question is stated the clearer the answer will be. Some seek information about past lives, loved ones who’ve passed on, that which is to come, life changes or review; job, relationships, money, moves. In other words all aspects of life. JoAnna’s role is one of an intermediary, one who channels information from the Spirits to her clients. All readings are done with clarity, compassion and gentleness. JoAnna has clients throughout the United States and around the world. Many have been returning to JoAnna for years plus a great number of clients are referrals, which attests to the satisfaction of those who have seen JoAnna. Many, many clients have stated, “you give me hope.”

How are readings done?

Typically, readings are done one-on-one to allow both JoAnna and the client to focus. Readings may be done in person or by phone with equal accuracy. Upon a client’s request the reading will be recorded and a disk sent to you.  Why? The information you will be given is very clear and specific. By recording the session you will be able to refer to the information as you wish to confirm what was said. If you are seeking information about another person, either living or deceased, it aids if you bring an item or object they have owned. This enhances the vibrations JoAnna receives. While not required, it does assist with the strength of the information received.

Who have been some of JoAnna’s clients?

Clients come from all walks of life; business people, students, professionals, those seeking specific business guidance, investors, professional sports figures, actors, actresses, Olympic contenders, various state and local law enforcement agencies across the United States. JoAnna is available to either participate in or conduct seminars and lectures.